My services

Dorothy Chang conducting a one-on-one coaching session with a client
Dorothy Chang speaking to a small group in front of a whiteboard

How we can work together

Whether I’m completing deliverables independently or co-designing them with you, below are the services I offer.

Operations Design

Building values-driven operating systems to ensure you and your team are backed with the right structures, processes, and skills for maximal impact.

Example projects and activities
  • Team structure and organizational design
  • Workflow design and optimization
  • Custom-made tools and templates to drive productivity
  • Audits, field research, and problem analysis
  • Pilot project implementation and evaluation
  • Employee programs (e.g. affinity groups, summer internships, etc.)


Crafting focused meeting agendas and ensuring engaging, inclusive environments where your objectives are met and actual progress is made.

Example projects and activities
  • Brainstorming / whiteboarding sessions
  • Professional development workshops
  • Convenings and conferences
  • Retreats and offsites
  • Annual planning
  • User research (e.g. focus groups, empathy interviews, qualitative research methods)
  • Stakeholder feedback sessions

One-on-One Coaching

Guiding you to increase your confidence, intuition, and awareness so that you can lead with authenticity and make decisions that feel truly right for you.

Common topics I cover
  • Leading in a time of complexity
  • Identifying your personal strengths and values
  • Navigating workplace politics and power dynamics
  • Setting boundaries and creating accountability
  • Developing essential project management skills
  • Managing diverse and high performing teams
  • Advancing your career goals

Strategic Advisement

Providing proven best practices and solutions that match your goals and context, so you can crystalize your strategy and translate it to action.

Some areas of expertise
  • Change management
  • Workplace culture
  • Risk analysis and risk management
  • Internal communications
  • Research strategy
  • Instructional design
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion strategy
  • Corporate social responsibility / Social impact
Dorothy Chang speaking into a microphone at a speaking engagement

Speaking engagements

As a speaker, I enjoy making the above topics feel approachable and inviting. If you’re interested in a speaking engagement, please reach out to share more about your goals.

Get in touch

Operational excellence is within reach. Let's connect—I'm here to help.

Thank you!

You should be hearing from me shortly to schedule a call.
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