About me

more powerful
Photo of Dorothy Chang

My story

I am the exception to an unspoken rule—one that says people born without wealth will rarely experience quality education, fulfilling careers, and a prosperous life.

As the middle child in a low-income family of immigrants, I entered kindergarten not speaking a word of English. I grew up on hand-me-down clothing and the federal free school lunch program.

But with hard work, sacrifice, and a lot of good luck, I have also graduated from a prestigious university, led teams at globally recognized companies, and enjoyed (perhaps a bit too much) the best in fashion and food at my local mall.

I’m grateful for my successes, but I also know they are hard-earned and rare. Far too many people who find themselves in challenging circumstances—whether it be poverty, toxic work cultures, or broken systems—do not succeed. Not for lack of effort or aptitude, but simply because they do not have the opportunity or resources to do so.

Through customized operations design, expert facilitation, and strategic coaching, I'll help you reach your full productive potential—not by fighting or sidestepping the suboptimal conditions around you, but by changing those conditions altogether.

I believe that when you’re set up to succeed, you do.



  • Sociology with emphasis in Social Inequality, from the University of Southern California

Trainings and certifications

  • Coaching and Facilitation: Graphic Facilitation, 12 Step / Trauma-informed Facilitation, Co-Active Leadership; Somatic Experience
  • Design: Liberatory Design; Service Design; Participatory Design

Facts (some fun, some not)

The basics

  • INTJ, Chaotic Good, Night owl


  • Foraging for snacks, journaling, sticker making, reading (currently working on Debt: The First 5000 Years)


  • Only ever wears black, but isn't a witch; has a very specific way of ketchupping fries

As an operations consultant…


I make success dead-easy

In the face of exclusive and inefficient systems, resource constraints, and human error, success can often feel like an uphill battle. It doesn’t have to be this way.

With explicit instruction and replicable frameworks, I’ll help you make excellence your new norm. You’ll get a signature process and practical tools to get things right the first time, and every time after that.


I sweat the small stuff

The saying goes, “Don’t lose the forest for the trees”, but they are actually one and the same. There is no forest without the trees—the big picture is just an accumulation of its smaller components. So when we compromise on the details, we’re also compromising on the end results.

I take an iterative and rigorous approach to ensuring quality and impact, in all aspects of your project. Throughout our collaboration, you’ll feel the difference between ‘good enough’ and truly excellent.


I help you see the invisible

Workplace exclusion, inefficiency, and oppression are harmful in all their forms—particularly those that go unnoticed and unacknowledged. But just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

By exploring social context, asking critical questions, and ensuring inclusive decision-making, I’ll help you identify the right problems to solve and a path towards concrete solutions.

My core values


To see all people as inherently worthy of care and compassion, even when their choices and circumstances differ from our own.


The connection created when our most vulnerable, powerful selves are deeply seen and known.


To hold and apply one’s power with great intention.


The experience of curiosity, courage, and wonder in a world believed to be full of potential.

Get in touch

Operational excellence is within reach. Let's connect—I'm here to help.

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