Operational magic that puts your values to work

operational magic

Designing systems, tools, and practices that make it easy for you to lead from your values and get the results you want.

What you'll get from working with me

Operations design that optimizes productivity and collaboration.

Get tools, structures, and processes—all built for your team’s exact needs. 

Facilitated meetings and sessions that actually work.

Achieve the progress you find most meaningful. Have generative, inclusive conversations with the right people, at the right times.

Coaching that helps you lead with authenticity.

Learn to follow your gut and leverage your strengths to take effective, intentional action. 

Strategic advising that gets you laser-focused on your goals.

Cut through the chaos—bring clarity to what matters most and how to best tackle it.

My mission

To activate everyone’s capacity to become a more powerful version of themselves—in the workplace and beyond.

more powerful
Photo of Dorothy Chang

About me

Dorothy Chang

I believe that people do their best work when their surrounding conditions are intentionally designed for them to do so.

I collaborate with forward-thinking teams and leaders to build the effective, equitable, and inclusive structures that create those conditions.

Who I’ve partnered with


The level of organization and clarity we have now is something we’ve never had before.

When I see the things that Dorothy builds, I feel delight and relief.

Tania A.
Founder and CEO at Beytna Design

Dorothy can quickly translate "what" I need into "how" I get it.

Dorothy added structure where it was needed and where it was absent, which led to greater efficiency and effectiveness. When collaborating with Dorothy, I feel like I have someone I can count on. She works behind the scenes to make me a good leader.

Margarita V.
Managing Director at Crankstart Foundation

Dorothy’s systems feel easy and magical.

She drives business efficiency and drives organizational and operational excellence. She identifies the greatest need and the bottleneck. Dorothy unlocks opportunities through creative problem-solving and helps others do it, too.

Jonathan M.
Chief Relationship Officer at Curriki

Dorothy approaches problems methodically and pragmatically while balancing the human parts of the equation.

Anyone looking to work with Dorothy can expect the highest quality of work, an empathetic partner, and a strategic thinker. I wonder if anyone else can live up to the bar she set.

Adam D.
Support Engineer at Amazon

Dorothy’s process allowed us to make leaps, even when we were uncomfortable, and land in new places. She’s no-nonsense and evidence-directed.

We heard from almost everyone here that this was the first space where they could bring their true selves. Can Dorothy teach a master class in coaching and facilitation? We have the proof now—we aren't just a diverse team, we're a diverse team in action.

Ben C.
Learning Engineer at Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Dorothy creates systems where all the gears work together.

She quickly identifies which components aren’t working, and uses logical reasoning to break down goals and problems.

Frances L.
Technical Program Manager at Aptos Labs

I truly appreciate having Dorothy by my side.

Navigating the pressure of a complex workplace can be really difficult, but she has shown me how to manage it all, day by day.

Livia L.
Employee Experience Manager at Amazon

Get in touch

Operational excellence is within reach. Let's connect—I'm here to help.

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